Advantage Healthcare
Strand Nursing is part of Advantage Healthcare Limited, an Advantage company.
The organisation has close links with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).
Sign Up to Safety
Strand Nursing and Interserve Healthcare are part of the Sign Up to Safety initiative.
Nursing Times Workforce Awards
The organisation was a finalist in the Nursing Times workforce awards 2019 for innovative use of technology to support its workforce.
Strand Nursing is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This is the organisation which ensures that we manage and deliver care that meets legal standards within the healthcare sector. We are regularly inspected by CQC to ensure that we are always meeting our legal duties, and our inspection reports are available for all of our clients to view at any time.
Reach Us
Strand Nursing, Grosvenor House, 125 High Street, Croydon, CR0 9XP