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020 7836 6396

High quality care, a truly premium service.


Preventing Falls

An elderly person (80+) , falls every 10 seconds in the UK. * This means that around six elderly people fall every minute in the UK, equating to around 8,500 falls a day. How can you prevent falls: immediately mop up spillages remove clutter, trailing wires and frayed carpet use non-slip mats and rugs make […]

Don’t put me in a care home!

How many times have you heard this in a conversation? Whatever you do, don’t put me in a home! Nobody likes to think about the future and what happens when your parents or close relatives will get to an age where they will need to start looking for care, but it is likely that at […]

Meet Rebecca – Head of Nursing

Rebecca qualified as a Registered Nurse in 2011. Her journey in care began in the community before commencing her Nursing Degree at 18 years of age. Rebecca’s first job was in a high dependency respiratory unit following completion of her respiratory qualifications, she then wanted further challenges so completed her intensive care qualification and moved […]

Reach Us


Strand Nursing Grosvenor House 125 High Street Croydon CR0 9XP


telephone: 020 7836 6396 e-mail: StrandNursing@advantagehealthcare.com